“Love involves my acknowledgement that I am obliged by my neighbor as a reality given to me by God, a reality which I would often like to evade but which encounters me with a transcendent imperative force. Why is this “transcendent” ground for works of human fellowship theologically decisive? Because thereby my neighbour, the one with whom I stand in relation, is given to me, forming part of my destiny in the company of the saints. My neighbour is a summons to fellowship, because in him or her I find a claim on me that is not causal or fortuitous (and thereby dispensable) but rather precedes my will and requires that I act in my neighbour’s regard. Without a sense that fellowship is (God–) given, my neighbour would not present a sufficiently strong claim to disturb me out of complacency and indifference into active, initiative-taking regard.Some basic acts of human fellowship — mercy to strangers, fidelity, patient attentiveness to the unlovely, devotion to long-standing and largely unreciprocated care of the comatose and handicapped — require for their sustenance a perception that the neighbor is one with whom I have been set in fellowship independent of (sometimes against) my will. My neighbour obliges me because he or she is the presence to me of the appointment and vocation of the holy God. ” — John Webster, Holiness, 97 Loving Our Neighbors August 22, 2015 by Jonathan Parnell in Real Life